Archives for March 2012

Sample Post – Leslie M-B

Do not freak out at the current ugliness of this site.  This is indeed the Backcountry theme, but it’s not yet configured to do all the fancy stuff in the demo.  We’ll get there eventually, but first we need some posts and images to work with.

Today’s Assignment

Today we’re each going to create a sample post.  You can decide whether you’re going to try out the WordPress iPad app or use the web browser interface.  Note that if you open another tab while in the browser interface, you may lose your unsaved work, so be sure to save your draft before navigating away from the page.

We’ll be testing the limits of the iPad. You are likely going to make mistakes today or discover other frustrations. That’s OK–it’s why we’re practicing with sample posts rather than using (and losing) the final text and images.

Creating Your Sample Post

Your post should include the following:

  • Five paragraphs of text (use Hipster Ipsum if you just want some filler text)
  • An image
  • Appropriate image attribution
  • A link
  • Some formatted text (e.g. bold, italicized, headers). If you use headers, use “Heading 3” in the “Format” menu in the second row of tools above the text box, or use the html tag <h3> if you’re using the iPad WordPress app.
  • A block quote.

About Images

In WordPress, images can have captions.  You add captions when uploading photos.  If you want to change your caption, click on the photo (in the desktop version of the editor), then select the little landscape icon.  You’ll find a box where you can enter a caption.

A superb example of Victorian hairwork

You can also resize your photos by clicking on the photo and then using one of the little white squares at the corners to resize the image.  The maximum image width without a caption is 570; with a caption is 550, so be sure to resize all your images to that size while editing your post.

Most of the images in your project will be photos you have taken.  If the objects are from the Idaho State Historical Society (museum or storage), you need to follow the ISHS rules for attribution.  If you use photos from elsewhere, you need to be sure (a) you have permission to use the images and (b) you provide proper attribution.  In either case, place your photo attributions at the very bottom of your post. In this post, I have used a Creative Commons-licensed photo from, and modeled the attribution at the bottom of this post. I will show you in class how to find Creative Commons-licensed photos.


Victorian hairwork detail image from Nadja Robot, and used under a Creative Commons license.