Shoshone Basketry

Shoshone Burden Basket

Shoshone Burden Basket

Lidded Storage Basket

Lidded Storage Basket

These examples are traditional bundle and storage baskets from the Shoshone people of Idaho and the Fort Hall Reservation.  They utilize a quick loose weave style, a round coiled start and a self coiled rim finish. (1)

Due to differences in environment, the Shoshone used willow as a material rather than bear grass,  as it was more prevalent. This is unlike the baskets from the Nez Perce whom used bear grass as a main source material.

Aside from the decoration and pattern of the storage basket, these were left the natural color and not dyed.

The Shoshone also used their basketry as a utilitarian object, rather than selling them or using them for barter. (2)   This particular shallow gathering basket was made by Mrs. Soldier Boy, a resident of the Fort Hall Reservation.














1. Turnbaugh, Sarah P., and William A. Turnbaugh. Indian Baskets. Atglen, PA: Schifter       Publishing, 2004.

2. A Gallery of Shoshone-Bannock Basketry.  Wind River (accessed 1 May, 2012)

Photos Provided by Idaho State Historical Society:
-Shoshone baskets (547.B/1922.20.1, 1922.20.2,): Made by Mrs. Soldier Boy at Fort Hall Reservation